As a Summer gift to San Francisco, Muni will be operating the fabulous Blackpool Boat Tram in regular service on Tuesdays and Wednesdays starting May 28. The special service will last at least through Labor Day, perhaps longer, running from the Ferry Building to Pier 39, adjacent to Fisherman’s Wharf along The Embarcadero. (The Pier 39 terminal will allow more trips per day, avoiding the long queue of E- and F-line regular service streetcars taking their layover at Jones Street.)
UPDATE, MAY 20: The boat WILL operate May 28-29, even though the E-Embarcadero historic streetcar line will be shut down from May 25-June 2 due to construction. Come out and ride!
The first stop toward the Wharf will be in front of the Ferry Building. The last stop coming back will be the Steuart Street stop in front of our San Francisco Railway Museum. The boat should start service around 11 a.m. and run until at least 5 p.m. We’ll provide details on exact operating hours when we have them. Regular Muni fares will apply ($2.75 adult cash, various discounts explained here).

Blackpool, England built 12 of these magical open-topped streetcars in 1934, to run along the Irish Sea Promenade. They still operate three of them; Market Street Railway brought two to San Francisco 30 years apart as gifts to Muni. This summer’s boat will be Car 228, which came to San Francisco in 1984. Our second boat, Car 233, is having new wheels fitted this summer, so in case 228 needs a break, one of Muni’s two Melbourne trams (also acquired by Market Street Railway) — Car 496 (built 1928) or Car 916 (built 1946) will substitute. With side windows dropped, the Melbourne trams are close to a boat-like experience themselves.
The special service has been arranged by SFMTA’s Acting Director of Transit, Julie Kirschbaum, to whom, many thanks. Show your support for the boats by coming out and riding.