SFMTA Director of Transit Julie Kirschbaum has approved the extension of summer Blackpool Boat Tram service through Fleet Week in mid-October. The boat will continue to operate from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. on The Embarcadero between our San Francisco Railway Museum and Pier 39 every Tuesday and Wednesday through October 9.
This is a welcome development, given the great popularity of the Boat Tram so far this summer. In last weekend’s Muni Heritage celebration, riders queued up for more than an hour to ride the Boat, but on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, there’s generally no waiting to ride.

The Boat Tram has gotten so popular, it now has its own Twitter account: @boattramsf. Well worth following; so much so that the San Francisco Chronicle just wrote a story about it, calling the Boat Tram “San Francisco’s Celebrity Trolley”. (Spoiler: our Board Member Chris Arvin is behind the Twitter account, and the cool logo above as well.
Pro tip: You can find the boat’s exact location when it’s out on our Live Streetcar Map. (You can access the map anytime on your phone or laptop by just typing in streetcar.live as the URL.)
And don’t forget, you can ride the boat along Market Street on its trips in and out of service at the beginning or ending of the day. The boat reaches Market and Church Streets on its way downtown around 10:30 a.m. The trip back up Market at the end of the day varies according to operations during the day, but it’s on our map.
Thanks to Julie Kirschbaum for extending the Boat’s voyage.