Actual “Last Day” of Muni’s First PCC Era


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One of our members has chimed in with a correction of the last day of Muni’s original PCC streetcar service. Peter Ehrlich says the 30th anniversary is today (actually, the wee hours of September 20 for that last pull-in that railfans get worked up about). He’s right.
We knew that the last day of scheduled PCC service was on a Sunday, because the old streamliners were only working weekends at the end. We should have checked the calendar to be sure the date Bob Davis gave us, September 17, was a Sunday, but we didn’t. It turns out it wasn’t. Sorry.
The last scheduled day of PCC service was Sunday, September 19, 1982, as shown in this brochure Mr. Ehrlich sent along. He and Muni Community Affairs prepared and distributed it that weekend.
Mr. Ehrlich also took issue with which streetcar was really the last one into the barn, but we’ll leave that to be hashed out among those who were there — or claimed to be. We’re just glad to get the date right…and to remind everyone again that what many thought to be the end forever was only the end for nine months, thanks to Mayor Dianne Feinstein’s support of the Historic Trolley Festivals that started in 1983 and led to the opening of the permanent F-line.
