Cable Car Heroes Luncheon, Wednesday, August 2, 2023



150 years to the day from the first cable car trip in history, the nonprofit Market Street Railway honors cable car heroes at a fundraising luncheon August 2 with a reception at 11:30, lunch at 12 Noon at Historic John’s Grill, 63 Ellis Street, just a block from the Powell & Market cable car turntable.

Proceeds defray our costs of staging the six-month long civic celebration that’s focused on drawing more people from near and far to rediscover the cable cars and the neighborhoods they serve, helping our city’s businesses.

We’re gratified to say this event has sold out! 

However, if you want to support these cable car heroes and our efforts to support the cable cars, you can make a fully tax-deductible donation at this special link. Alternatively, you can send a check to Market Street Railway, 870 Market Street, Suite 803, San Francisco, CA 94102. Your generosity will be recognized at the lunch and online.


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Luncheon honoring Cable Car Heroes, August 2

150 years to the day from the first cable car trip in history, the nonprofit Market Street Railway honors cable car heroes at a fundraising luncheon August 2 with a reception at 11:30, lunch at 12 Noon at Historic John’s Grill, 63 Ellis Street, just a block from the Powell & Market cable car turntable.

Proceeds defray our costs of staging the six-month long civic celebration that’s focused on drawing more people from near and far to rediscover the cable cars and the neighborhoods they serve, helping our city’s businesses.

We’re gratified to say this event has sold out! 

However, if you want to support these cable car heroes and our efforts to support the cable cars, you can make a fully tax-deductible donation at this special link. Alternatively, you can send a check to Market Street Railway, 870 Market Street, Suite 803, San Francisco, CA 94102. Your generosity will be recognized at the lunch and online.