Member Area

We thank you for being a member of Market Street Railway. Your membership is very important to keeping the past present in the future. The wonderful historic streetcars in San Francisco didn’t just happen on their own. The support of Market Street Railway members is what made our successful advocacy for the streetcars possible.

Today, we need your help to extend and expand Muni’s historic streetcar service, acquire/restore additional streetcars (and vintage Muni buses too), make the historic streetcars and cable cars more rider friendly, and educate new generations about the importance of protecting our history, so it will survive and thrive in the future.  We truly can’t do this without you, our members. So we thank you.

As a Member, receive our acclaimed quarterly newsletter, Inside Track, filled with the latest news and great stories and photos chronicling San Francisco’s rich transit history.  You’ll also have special access to streetcar excursions and behind-the-scenes tours and events at our San Francisco Railway Museum.

We will be adding more Members Only links to the site in the future, which you’ll be able to access through this page. This is also the page where Members can see all the discounts available to them. (For any non-members who may be visiting this page, please respect that this is a Member-only discount. We do verify use of these codes. Thanks.)

Online Purchase Discount Code

Market Street Railway members are entitled to a 10% discount on all your purchases at our online store (except for the membership itself, of course). To claim your discount, simply use the Coupon Code msrdiscount10 when you view your cart or check out.

Trolley Tour Discount Codes

(No discounted Trolley Tours Currently Scheduled)